Friday, April 16, 2010

Another Day....Another Lock

Last summer we had a neighborhood playdate at our house and for one reason or another my daughter was sent to her room for a "little break".

Within minutes my neighbor's older son came running in and said "Lulu is on the roof".  I sprinted to her room and found her crawling back inside.

I have to admit, when we were strategically picking which child would go in which room, I was bothered by the fact that two of our kids room have roof access at low points.  I know what I was like as a teenager...but I never imagined I would have to worry about my 3 yr old sneaking out.  Seriously ~ this is ridiculous.

She confidently asserted that she was trying to talk to the kids outside and when they couldn't hear her she just went outside.  Have I mentioned she has NO BOUNDARIES?

The windows were bolted shut and my decent into creating a mini-alcatraz was coming to fruition.  Child labor laws aside, I should let her start a child proofing company ~ give her 2 minutes alone in your house and she will find the most dangerous or expensive thing to ruin.

Fast forward a year's's North's hot.
Time for the screens to go in.  We contemplated about removing the bolt.  We figured she was older and a little more willing to listen and her room was sweltering.

It lasted 3 days...for three days I thought we had averted another roof experience.  Sometimes I want to pretend I live in the kind of house where 4 year olds don't justify why it is ok for them to go on the roof...but I don't and the bolts are back in.

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