Friday, April 30, 2010

We really shouldn't write this stuff down

Everyone knows "kids say the darndest things".  My sister has been bugging me since my oldest could talk to get a notebook and keep track.  I've occasionally written a quote or two in her baby book, but I am about as good at that as I am journaling.

When perusing my favorite paper store, I stumbled upon "My Quotable Kid".  It was perfect ~ a small journal size book to record the off the wall things your kids say and I could keep it handy in my kitchen junk drawer.

Some how this family keepsake started to take on a direction that I didn't have in mind.

The first thing my husband wrote in the book was our 2 yr olds favorite made up song:
"Naked bum bum booty Naked bum bum booty".

Followed by me recording a conversation between my daughter and son.
C: I have a peanut
Lulu: No you don't.  You have a PENIS and I have a BEHINNA

Followed by Lulu pronouncing to everyone that our last name is "dick - skin" ~ which it is not.

The last entry is a quote from my now 3 yr old son ~ "Mommy, I want to eat a lot of food so I can have a big chest like you".

There are sooooo many things wrong with all of these statements ~ perhaps even more wrong with the two parents who couldn't resist memorializing these moments.

My kids are going to have to be 18 before I allow them to read the things that they were saying in their toddler years.

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