Friday, April 16, 2010

WAHM vs SAHM vs Work ~ it's all the same

I worked full time until my oldest turned one and we decided to take a step back...and by step back I started my own home based business catering to a custom industry.  It turned out to be more of a huge leap forward.

As we are expecting our 3rd, I have sold my business and am sticking to contract work that doesn't extend beyond 10 hours a week (we'll see if I maintain my boundaries...I've started blogging to avoid the laundry).

Today I had lunch with friend/work acquaintance from my professional years...she currently holds my old job.  She opted to be the full-time working mom with a husband that travels A LOT and has all of the guilt and stress that comes with it.

I nearly spit my drink out when she told me she envied all of her stay at home friends..."they look so well rested and pretty and put together". Who is she hanging out with?

I took me three hours to get me and my two kids ready to get out the door.  Two changes of clothes from accidents and a last minute decision to play with sidewalk chalk.  I went through my closet a million times to find something extending beyond t-shirts, capris and flip flops....I miss my career wear at times.  I straightened my hair with a flat iron to hide the fact that I didn't shower and my curls were sad looking.  I put my makeup on in the car.  I had to juggle around my husband's meeting schedule so he could have lunch with the kids to allow me 45 minutes of peace.  Walking to lunch I saw people I knew from my working days and pretended to be busy reading something fascinating on my phone.  They looked great!

The last thing I think of me or any of my fellow stay at home moms is that we look well-rested or put together (sorry girls).  We are all struggling just as much as the working moms or the work at home moms.  None of these choices are easier or better than the others.

But if someone could point me to a legal and non-cosmetic cheap option that leaves a mom of toddlers looking well-rested, SIGN ME UP and get a patent!

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